
Our Approach

Our Story

We are driven by the pursuit of excellence while maintaining a happy work/home life balance. We strive to share what we've learned with others and help them succeed in many different disciplines.

Sometimes an oustide perspective is exactly what is needed. Being able to troubleshoot with a fresh outlook is something we have always enjoyed. That combined with our love for helping others exceed to their full potential and an uncanny ability for problem solvingĀ  is what makes us tick.

Our Story

Meet the Team

Justin Headshot BW

Justin Harris

Founder & Product Specialist

As a self-taught developer, Justin has worked with start-ups such as Figure Eight Technologies and Grover Gaming as the CTO and Product Manager. He is a thrill-seeker and loves anything that gives an adrenaline rush.

Jeff Corporate Headshot BW

Jeff Harris

Founder & Management Specialist

Jeff has worked with nearly every type of industry and continues to share his knowledge with anyone who will listen. As a part-time pastor, he is willing to lead by example and is never afraid to stand for what's right.

Get Started...

Let's start a conversation and see what the future holds for us both